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How the Tuition Works
EMT Only
Fees due by orientation
(All items below are not included in tuition)
Tuition payment in full or downpayment if any.
Dependent upon your payment plan option
Advanced Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured (Second Edition) book and IV/IO Kit.
Online acess
Due before first Lab
(Not included in tuition)
Stethoscope and Blood Pressure Cuff kit
Click the link below to be taken to a website to purchase the kit. You will receive a stethlescope that carries a lifetiem warranty as well as blood pressure cuff kit that comes with cuffs of a variety of sizes and a pen light for checking pupils all at a discounted price.
Fees due before Clinicals
(Not included in tuition)
Criminal Background Check - $50.00
Drug Test - $45.00
Malpractice Insurance - $40.00
Clinical Shirt - $30.00 - $35.00 (depending on size)
Clinical Pants/Boots - (Depends on where you buy them)
TB Screening - Depends on where you go. (Possibly $40.00 - $50.00 unless you have Health Insurance and it would depend on your Insurance Carrier)
Ensure you are up to date on your Vaccinations
Fees due after Graduation
(Not included in tuition)
NREMT Psychomotor Exam - $155.00 (Cash only) if taken at Georgia Institute of EMS
NREMT Cognitive test - Varies (Contact National Registry)
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